How To Stop a Dog From Digging - Solutions To All Common Causes Of Digging

If you have a dog that digs you will recognize what an annoying difficulty it can be; no matter whether they are digging holes in the yard or trying to escape. If you are going to discover a solution as to why your dog is digging, you will initially need to find why your dog is digging in the first place.
A number of dog breeds have a natural behavioral instinct that will cause them to want to dig; dogs such as terriers have been bred to dig and go down small holes to help hunt for small prey. Almost all digging problems aren't brought on by a natural instinct, but some other behavioral concern with the dog. In this article we are going to determine the key reason why dogs dig.
Boredom Digging:
Sometimes when a dog is left on their own for too much time outdoors without any human or social interaction, they begin to get bored. They consequently begin to dig as a way to entertain themselves; it is one thing that is extremely pleasurable to them.
Solution: Dogs are very social animals, to keep your dog from getting bored you need to spend a great deal of time with him or her. You additionally have to do some fun things together like catching, fetching, walking, running and playing. There are as well special toys you can get to keep your dog entertained, like a Kong toy that you fill with treats. When the dog rolls this particular toy on the ground, treats come out. These types of toys and activities helps keep you dog stimulated both physically and mentally, this will lessen the odds that you dog is digging out of boredom. You need to also be putting aside some time to teach your dog fresh tricks and practice old ones each day.
Dog Dig When They Get Too Hot:
Dogs generally dig holes for the reason that the soil is more moist and cool and this is a place they can lie down in.
Solution: To battle this sort of digging, make sure that your dog has plenty of cool, clean water when he is outside, and a spot of shade out of direct sunlight. If you're continually at home in the course of the day then allow your dog stay indoors more regularly, this will of course stop your dog from digging up the backyard.
The Dog May Be Trying To Escape:
When dogs get a sniff of what is outside past the boundaries of your home they want more and more and that is certainly another answer why dogs will dig under your fence to escape. A number of dogs escape to find a mate or merely because they are interested and want to explore what's out there.
Solution: I would say this is the most dangerous digging crisis, simply because once a dog is out of the fence there's no telling what can happen to him. He may get in a fight with another dog, or even get hit by a car if his escape goes undetected. You have to make your yard inescapable. To do this you need to dig a little trench around the parameter of the fence and fill it with cement, large stones or heavy bricks. This will prevent the dog from digging a hole large enough to squeeze out.
Dogs May Dig To Hide Food:
We have all seen the TV cartoons where a dog discovers a bone and buries it, dogs do like to store their food away for another time by burring it underground.
Solution: For the most part they have a tendency to bury their treat bones. Now, how do you stop a dog from digging holes to hide their bones in? This solution couldn't be easier. All you have to do is feed your dog inside, and replace his chew bones with chew toys.
Dogs Dig To Get Attention:
If you do your gardening and the dog spy's you digging up your garden it will assume that digging is an excellent thing to do so they ordinarily dig in your presence to try and get your attention.
Solution: Such as the first point devote more time with your dog and play with it and when you are doing your gardening never let your dog see you do it.
Is The Digging Still A Puzzle to You?
Maybe you have already tried a number of things that you have read in this article, or it doesn't seem your dog is digging for any of these motives. Do not worry there are a lot of other solutions on how to stop a dog from digging. If nothing else has worked, here are a couple of other things you can try.:
* Some individuals have tried to hide a little balloon in the hole that their dog often digs in and cover it with dirt. When the dog digs their again the pop of the balloon will give them an upsetting shock and this will dissuade them from digging.
* Leaving a hose or sprinkler next to the hole your dog digs in and turning it on when you catch your dog digging can surprise the dog and will discourage them from digging too.
* Lots of experts I have asked how to stop a dog from digging have swore by this tip, however it won't work with every dog. Put some of your dog's poop in the holes and cover it back up. A lot of dogs don't like the smell of their own wastes and won't dig there, whilst there are dogs that just eat their own poop and you should not continue this if your dog eats its.
* In my own opinion the top way of knowing how to stop a dog from digging is to have a sandbox or fenced off area where you dog is allowed to dig in. Dogs love to dig, it is entertaining to them. To offer them with their own space to dig, fill a sandbox with sand or top soil; you can even hide treats in their for them to unearth. Your dog will quickly learn that if it feels the urge to dig it should go here to dig, since there are rewards. When you find your dog digging in the right spot you ought to verbally praise him, to verify to him he's doing the right thing.
One of the keys to how to stop a dog digging is being consistent, the same as with any other type of behavior modification in dogs.